Sunday, March 9, 2008

More and More arts in the News

Maybe I am becoming more aware of the discussion of Art and Christianity or maybe not. Could it be that God has decided to hit a general theme with many of his children? I think this is exciting and refreshing! Here is another article by a Christian organization about the arts.


Anonymous said...

This is an wonderful link. I was ispired again just reading it. I think that one of the reasons we are seeing a constant confirmation of bringing art back to the church is because it is a difficult road to travel. The concept of art in church has become far removed from where it once, was that it is hard for people to make the switch back. With the religious spirit keeping tabs on what is right and wrong, persuing a road long ago established that is now over run with the weeds of life will take some time to clear so we can travel it again freely without restraint. This is a fabulous quest we have been called to.
Thanks Jamie for sharing so many creative ideas to stir up the gifts we all have within us.

Anonymous said...

What is art if not the process of creation? What is God if the not the ultimate Creator? We being made in His image are called to follow in His footsteps. In my mind, I cannot separate God from Creativity. It is startling that so many people have considered themselves "non-creative" or "un-gifted". It is my hope that through this and other programs we can reach out and show how Creativity is an integral part of God's Plan for all of our lives.